Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blessed...A quick post.

Hi there Dear Friends.

This week-end I was blessed to crop with a lot of my friends.

I used a photo of me taken abou 30 years we can call this a vintage page..ha ha!

As you all know I am dabbling with paints too and I am doing Tamara Laporte's Life Book 2014
I did this page on Moday it was a lesson by Tamara....theme for this month is contemplation on Celebration and Growth.

Keep well...have a good week and remeber we have 63 days till Christmas!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

You & I.......A perfect Team

Hi there .....
Luckily the weather has cooled down and it is a lot easier to create now...
I had such craetive satisfaction creating this page last night....
Thank-you CSI for the very fun inspiration...I enjoyed making this page. without pattern papers...this is a picture of the case file.
This is my fun page......

I used Gelatos for my colour....greatly inspired by Wilna.
Before logging off I want to give credit to Tamara Laporte for helping me grow with her Life Book 2014 lessons.
And a fellow South African whose videos I love to watch and that has such a fresh style , Wilna Furstenberg,  we both went to the same University in Pretoria, the city in which I was born.....both these gals are so creative I love them!

Keep well have FUN xxxx.